What We Need
- Your Time
- Cash Donations
- Volunteers – to help with animal care**cleaning**socialization**maintenance**adopt-a-thons**office help
- Donations, monthly pledges (including debit/credit, direct periodic payments from your account to the Shelter’s account, and spontaneous deposits of change or dollar bills in our SCHS canisters throughout the county are welcome.
- $15 will micro-chip one dog or cat
- $25 provides a dog or cat with vaccinations for a healthier life
- $25 provides food for 5 dogs or 8 cats for a week
- $50 pays for gas cards for emergency rescue transport
- $100 provides cat litter for a month
- $200 spays or neuters a dog or cat
- $500 keeps our office running for 2 weeks
- $1000 keeps our utilities running for a month
Consider committing to regular weekly or monthly donation.
For more information on setting up regular or monthly donations, please contact the shelter at 810-657-8962.
If you wish to make a contribution by credit card instead of through PayPal, you may do so by phone during regular office hours.
Wish list for Sanilac County Humane Society
Our Amazon wish list: https://amzn.to/2ObsAgC
Other items we always need:
- Large Dog Chew Bones
- Nylon Buckle or Snap Dog Collars (assorted sizes)
- Suitcase Style Dog Crates
- Clumping cat litter
- White copy paper
- Envelopes
- Stamps
- Scotch and packing tape
- Tall Kitchen Garbage bags
- 10×10 EZ Up Canopies
- Paper towels
- Liquid Laundry Soap
- Bleach
- Dish Soap
- Liquid Hand Soap
- Distilled water
- White Vinegar
- Gas Cards
Petdoors will add up supporters orders and send SCHS a donation every quarter. Check out their site by clicking the link.